since ‎09-29-2022

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When I go to create my Telus email account in Apple Mail, I get an error saying "Mail can't verify the identity of the server ""." When I click the "Details" button to look at what's going on, it shows that the "Go Daddy Secure Certific...
Just got Telus fiber gig internet installed today, and just have a few questions  My setup is that the NAH modem is in bridged mode on Port 1, to which I have my own personal router connected. So for the Boost hub, it's currently connected to the NAH...
I'm a current Shaw Cable internet-only customer (no TV or phone), and I just signed up with Telus for 1Gig PureFibre (again, internet only). My bungalow in the Edmonton suburb of St. Albert was built in 1960 (Telus fibre was just rolled out to St. Al...