PureFibre installation for tenant basement suite - Questions
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le 02-19-2022 02:47 PM
Dear Forum Members,
I am a house owner who already has been using PureFibre for Internet, Optik and VOIP Home Phone for quite some time. The Telus tech. has utilized my existing coaxial cable line to support my 4 Optik boxes as well as MOCA boxes to improve my wifi in dead spots. The system works very well and I have no issues.
My basement tenant keeps getting notices from Telus that he must move his Internet 100 Plan which uses ADSL connected to the phone jack to PureFibre by April 2022 because copper will no longer be supported. He has his own separate account with Telus and we do NOT share internet service. He does not have any other service with Telus.
I am the house owner and do not wish to add anymore lines to the house to accommodate this change.
How will they do this upgrade for my tenant?
Will they piggyback on my existing fibre or run a second fibre from the pole?
Is there a box that can convert fibre to copper so that he can continue to use the existing house telephone lines for his ADSL modem?
If there is no fibre to copper conversion box will they use a second Actiontec plus MOCA box to use the existing coaxial cable in the basement suite?
thanks for your help