I am using macOS Catalina 10.15.7. My Network says my Wi-Fi is on and connected to Telus 4900 at I.P., but I am unable to back up my I-phone or get Safari on my I-pad.Thanks.
The “Telus 4900” is a network which I thought I had joined when I switched my “ telusplanet.net” address to gmail.com in November 2020 when Telus Communications advised me that the “.net” address were being changed over to g.mail. Both devices show W...
My I-phone, I-pad, and MAC all show that the WiFi is on, and my MAC shows that I am connected to Telus 4900 at pad is connected by a hub connected to my MAC, but when I try to use Safari on the pad the message says that I am not conn...
Thanks for the reply.Using Safari on my MAC is no problem, and I have had e-mails to my MAC addresses also show up on my I-phone. Which particular settings should I be checking on the other devices?Les.