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Thinking about how close we are to a post-pandemic world, how will you commit to self-care moving forward? Trick question – there’s no right or wrong answer. Like we’ve come to learn, our personal well-being is unique, and taking care of ourselves involves deliberate steps. It’s important to find out what fills up your well-being cup and learn to channel that each day.


July 24 marks International Self-Care Day. This year’s theme is #SelfCarePromise – people from around the globe are encouraged to use the day to think about their personal well-being goals and opportunities and put their plans in motion.


Actively managing your own health and well-being through self-care has numerous benefits, including:

  • Helps you make better choices
  • Manage stress
  • Build resilience
  • Work more productively
  • Give the gift of presence to those in our lives
  • Live an overall better life


Here are five ways to learn how to help fuel your health, holistically.


Physical well-being:

  • Stay active: move your body. A 30-minute walk will do the trick- even 3, 10-minute walks will cover it. Getting active during the day is proven to improve brain performance and memory.
  • Eat well: make time for breakfast, reduce processed foods, limit sugary drinks and when you’re on the go, pack a lunch or a healthy snack.

Psychological well-being:

  • Pay attention to your stress: know help is available– exercise will help combat stress – but other small things will too, as the simple act of writing things down, thinking about what you’re grateful for, reaching out to a trusted friend to talk. about what’s on your mind.

Social well-being:

  • The benefits of social connections and good mental health are numerous. Proven links include lower rates of anxiety and depression, higher self-esteem, greater empathy, and more trusting and cooperative relationships. Strong, healthy relationships can also help to strengthen your immune system.

Environmental well-being:

  • Get outdoors: take a break and get some air and sunlight- As little as three to five minutes of contact with nature has been linked to reduced stress, reduced anger, and a boost in positive feelings.
  • De-clutter and add a succulent plant to your home office – they add fresh oxygen to your air- which your brain and body rely on throughout the day.

Financial well-being:

  • Monitor your spending- even for a week.
  • Set goals: know what you want to save for.

How are you committing to your well-being? Share your thoughts in the comments below to inspire key learnings for all.