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Why can't I respond to others on here.  Polecat responded to my World Long Distance post/idea with incorrect information.  There is no link or other way to find out which countries are included in my World Long Distance service that I am paying for.  This is the line I get:

World Long Distance - with 3 TELUS home services (from Sep 15 to Oct 14)


See there is no link and searching on the service brings up nothing.  So TELUS profits from my accidentally calling a country that is not included or was included but removed by TELUS.  This is not a friendly way to do a website or treat customers when they are paying for a service.  And Polecat's reply makes it look like everything is OK when it is NOT.

Community Power User
Community Power User

You should be able to respond. You didn't say what happens when you try. You also did not mention which country you called that triggered a charge. If you're looking for help, you should post a question either under the home or mobile section. Ideas are for suggesting features or changes.


As far as I can see, none of the myriad of posts you've made indicate that you've actually contacted someone in billing to discuss your plan. That should be your next step. They will have a list of features including the grandfathered ones and should be able to tell you which countries are included.


The World Long Distance plan is rather ancient and was replaced a number of years ago with the World 60 Unlimited Long Distance Plan. I'm assuming it's not exactly the same plan since it's more expensive, but it does have a list of countries that are likely the similar to the ancient World Long Distance plan.


My account shows what i pay for. You must have a grandfathered product . Contact billing to get your answer. Google  ( Telus world phone plans ) Several plans with 60 countries and rates per minute


Thanks, Nighthawk and Polecat.  Yes, I have a grandfathered product which was supposed to give me unlimited LD to about 156 countries.  I tried to call TELUS but the wait was almost 2 hours and I needed to know if I could place a call.  I will try again today to call them but this information should still be available on the website or under billing even if it is a grandfathered product.  I should not have to call them everytime I want to call an unusual country.


Whirly Get all of your info need. Do not make any changes if you do the  $ value will be all over the map. They seem to do stuff to all your the products you have. I have left my products as is for 6 years now still same old price. (sorry sum small rate increases 1-2 $ ) Think about it for a while.  Want that special movie rent it on amazon. Good luck

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This topic has been closed as it doesn't meet the criteria for an Idea submission. 

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