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"you are not subscribe to recordings" error on new boxes


I got the new telus tv+ android boxes a couple of weeks ago and got the error message "you are not subscribe to recordings"


I talked to chart support and they added recording to my account and told me it was going to be $10/month but they gave it to me for $5. Next day i called telus billing support cause recordings was still not working and according to the website it should be $0 becuase of i have the 4+1 theme back.


After multiple calls with TELUS billing and tech support. Recordings still do not work on on my new tv boxes. Today when I tried I actually had the option to subcribe to recordings right from the box. Said it would be $0. Hover even those the box said i was successfully subscribed I still get the same error message when trying to record something. This was a few hours ago.


I noticed when I logged into the TELUS tv+ app it shows all my old recording on the old optik 4k box and when I try to record something through the telus tv+ app on my phone it records to my old optik 4k box, which I hooked back up because recording wasn't working on the new boxes. So not sure if the error is happening becuase the old boxed are still active on my account. When i did speak to support they said someting about my new boxes not being initialed on my account and they put a ticket in for that, but its been like a week, week and half and still not working.


All I want is cloud recordings to work on my new android tv boxes so I can return the old optik boxes, is that too much to ask?



OMG, several people on here were begging to have recordings locally, and you want the cloud. I am surprised it is working for you as tech support has been saying once you switch to new box you lose the old stuff.

yes i should have done more research before I switched to the new boxes but i did the when i had nothing to record. Unfortunately it has been two weeks and TELUS can't figure out how to enable recording on my optik tv service.


Although I just re-read the emails from TELUS that came with the new boxes and apparently if i read the email the first time I would have realized it said my old boxes would have been disabled on OCT 1, and i wouldn't be able record on the new boxes after that date. Maybe by calling TELUS and trying to get them to enable recording early i screwed everything up because it is oct 4 and my old boxes still work.

Telus should have called the new digital boxes Kinder TV+ cause everything you try or do with them is a Surprise.


I had exact same experience. After renewal of 2 yr plan and receiving boxes was never informed of $10 add-on for recording. Called Loyalty team and they added for no charge. Many weeks and calls (hours on-hold) to Support re: issues (Surprises) followed. Fortunately an experienced Support person determined that my new boxes were trying to operate under my old legacy PVR plan on Telus' back-end. When they finally married up new plan to new boxes some things started to function "a little" better. I say a little cause always a Surprise popping up. 

Btw... installed new early August...never a dull moment. 

Hope that helps. Good luck!


I was able to get a hold of TELUS customer service again and they put it priority ticket and finally fixed the issue