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Why are so many recordings failing to play


TelusTV-21T Optik TV.

In the last 3 days I've had three (3) recordings that completed but would not play.


All three showed in the recording list as completed.

However, when selecting two of them I was rewarded with only a "record circle" in the right pane when selected.  As if it was asking me to record the program.   The only other option I had was to cancel the recording.

When I tried to cancel the recording, it reported and error - cannot cancel recording.  I could only remove the recording from the list by rebooting - the PC app did not even show the recording in the recording list.


The third recording just displays "Playback Error - Sorry an error has occurred. Please try again."

I was really looking forward to these recordings and put time aside to watch them - this is becoming beyond frustrating!


One was related to curling and one 1 show of my wife's that I can't remember the name of (not recorded) and one was the Formula 1 shootout (would not playback).


Edit: Clarified settop box


Yeah, I should have mentioned that behaviour.
The family would have taken a layer of skin off me if all the recordings were lost (lol).


I think I figured out the issue with the bad recordings on TelusTV-21T with the recording (red) circle.

I set up a Grand Slam of Curling series recording a month or so ago.


I have had numerous bad recordings on my TelusTV21 settop box from this series recording.

On the TelusTV-21T settop box today - at 5:00 we found a new bad recording on a 4:00 recording for a current channel 911 Grand Slam of Curling: Tour Challenge, Women's Final: Team Jones vs. Team Lawes.


On my TelusTV+ app (via PC) - I show no such recording.

However when I check the guide there is a current episode playing on channel 911 with the title described above, with a timeslot of 4:00pm to 6:30pm.  i.e. It is currently playing on the guide but not recording.


I'm reasonably convinced there is a title match criteria filter difference between the TelusTV-21T settop box app and the PC/iOS Telus TV+ app implementations for series recordings.


Optik-Kate: Please have your developers (Telus or 3SS) take a look at this!

... Unless this has been resolved in the next release of the TelusTV-21T settop box application release ...


Add on edit:

Noticed that on TelusTV-21T settop box, the bad recording entry shows as "recording now" in the recording list.  However, when I go into the recording, it shows the recording (red) circle.

If I go into the new manually set recording, the exact same recording that shows the recording (red) circle in the bad recording, shows a play recording option - which works.

Fantastic sleuthing @Grimmt !
You should be on their development team as a Beta tester to flush out the bugs ( oh wait,,, we are all already doing that 😭). But seriously, great investigation into the cause. I'm sure hoping it leads to a timely solution.
My question still is, why can't the errant recordings be removed by someone?
In my mind you described a timing event that causes the mismatch.
So when that event occurs and then passes the trigger is also gone, so therefore the errant Red Circle is a singular and therefore the recording could be deleted by someone in the backend. But it isn't, they just sit there,,, as more keep adding. Hopefully that made sense.
So @Optik-Kate why aren't they removing them??

TELUS Team Member
TELUS Team Member

Hi @Grimmt , great sleuthing! From what I can gather and understand from the ticket, you're right on the ball. This fix is apart of the release we'll be rolling out at the end of this month. 

Well,, now all recordings and scheduled are deleted..

The new release has been pushed out - I noticed the application version has been updated.

For me, the bad recordings have been pruned out and my recordings are fine, as are my scheduled recordings.  

Is there a chance you caught it immediately after the update and the recording settings were being reloaded?

They were all gone on Sunday evening and I waited a few more days to see if anything changed, nope. Started rebuilding (3rd or 4th time I've had to do this ) the scheduled recordings list.
I'm showing

Maybe it’s a rolling release.

I have two set top boxes, one set top box like yours at 1.23.10_400 while the other set top box shows 1.23.11_400

The old version still shows the bad recordings while the new release has removed the bad recordings.

There are some other changes (I.e. New/Live flags appear in the guide); I’ll play around with it today. I don’t think it’s a beta as I haven’t received any communication from Telus.

Lucky for us, no scheduled or existing recordings have been affected.

TELUS Team Member
TELUS Team Member

Hi @Grimmt I'm working on a list of new features/fix to post soon. We started the rollout yesterday, and yes, it's a phased rollout looking to be completed in the coming week! 


@RobG3987 1.23.11_400 is the new version. I think the recordings that got wiped may just be the previous version's bug, unfortunately. It's not wiped because of the new release.