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How’s your heart? It’s an important question to consciously think about, as the actions we take each day support the optimal function of our most important organ.


February is Heart Month and we are highlighting simple, everyday things you can do to protect your heart, which is especially important in the time of COVID-19, where underlying health conditions make us more vulnerable to the virus.


Four ways to give your heart some love


  1. Make time to move: we’re in the thick of winter so it might feel uninspiring to get outside if the weather isn’t cooperating (depending on where you live, of course). Make time to move and get fresh air when you can. And remember to eat a diet high in protein and fibre, vegetables, fruits, and limit added sugars, salt, and processed meats to help reduce your risk of heart disease. Check out these nutrition tips.
  2. Manage stress: Life is hectic, especially now; stress is a common everyday occurrence. Recognizing your stressors and learning ways to cope with your stress are important steps in reducing your risk of heart disease. Learn about Calm in your Optik TV package here.
  3. Kick the unhealthy habits: The negative ones, that is. Smoking and high alcohol consumption are both leading contributors to heart disease; know that support is available to help you kick start your new journey forward.
  4. Attend your regular health checkups: Wear a mask and pack your hand sanitizer when off to regular medical appointments – don’t let COVID-19 prevent you from seeing your doctor, especially if you have heart disease or diabetes. Virtual care solutions are also available to you so you can connect with a healthcare practitioner or get your prescriptions filled all from the comfort of your home. Check out Babylon by TELUS Health for more information.

What are you doing to take care of your heart? Have we inspired you to try something new? Let us know in the comments below.